Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I've been lost.

Both literally and figuratively. Found you again, though, and that is the important part. I do wish i had remembered you some time ago, though... because it has been one adventure after another. My memory is so selectively spotty that it might have been good to have a record here as well as the scattered bits that are wandering aimlessly through the world, but so be it.

Today's topic? The kiss.

Do you think you can be kissed in such a way that YEARS later, you still reel from it when you re-imagine it's occurence? Do you think it was the kiss, the person doing the kissing, random pheremones firing, or just the time, place, etc...?

I ask because someone has entered, well, let's say, re-entered my life who is a veritable blast from the past. He is also the possessor of a gift, kiss wise.... but again, i wonder... was it his kiss, or was it the sheer physical beauty of him overwhelming me to the point that anything he did would have had the sheen of magic about it? He wasn't the nicest boy back then... in fact he was quite naughty. He wasn't really respectful or genuine seeming or even kind... but he was magnetic to the nth degree. He had that bad-boy charm, a certain charisma, a sexy little smile that played about his lips, enticing you to do whatever he desired. One day what he desired was me lol... though unless my memory is worse that i recall, we never slept together but yep, i regretted that choice lol... We did have some amazing make-out sessions in odd and unusual places though, and my fondest memory of him is brushing his hair after he had just gotten out of the shower. i brushed it so long it dried while I was doing so. he had long, thick, luxurious hair that smelled so fresh yet so positively Male. Just being near him was a turn-on. One day, while browsing facebook, reading updates, there he was. My heart literally skipped a beat. I wasn't even sure i should befriend him again... for a number of reasons, but primarily because i knew this was a bad idea. i did it anyway. Fast forward several conversations and light flirtations... here we are, getting closer, and i am not sure what i am thinking right now. I know i was so attracted to him then, and unbelievably, moreso now. he has changed. Gone is the asshole who would take what he wanted and walk away, leaving you with a smile even as you missed him. Now3 in his stead is a man, a gentle, sweet, loving, hippie of a man, exactly my type, totally what i desire... non-judgemental, kind, witty, flirty, still as handsome as ever...he grew into the man of my dreams. While still looking like the bad boy of my fantasies. What;s the catch, you say?

oh there is one. it's big.

More later :D

Friday, January 27, 2006

In the beginning...

...there was an eccentric, eager to learn little girl from Small Town, USA. She dreamt of becoming the next Pavlova, then fancied herself a budding Marie Curie, and still later, a lady Man Ray. Over the years, her interests waxed and waned, thoughts bubbling forth from her brain like water from tea kettle left on the range too long. Never satisfied, she bounced from one plan to another, pausing only to start one project before losing interest and flitting away to the next bright, shiny opportunity. Or hobby, job, friend, man, etc...

The little girl grew up.

Or did she?